Bluemont United Methodist Church:
Is a Christ-centered and Biblically-grounded community of love and fellowship. It is a warm and caring church family in which disciples of Jesus Christ are formed and nurtured as they journey in their walk of faith.
If you are looking for a place of lively and edifying worship, we welcome you. If you are seeking a community in which to share the joys and struggles of life, we welcome you. If you are interested in studying the word of God, and learning to apply it in your own life, we welcome you. And if you are looking for ways to serve God in the world, we welcome you. Or, if you simply want to find your own place in the story of God's gracious and redeeming work in Christ the Lord, we welcome you.
We welcome you and invite you to explore the many other programs and opportunities to serve the Lord and grow spiritually at Bluemont UMC. We have Sunday school classes for all ages at 9:00 AM every Sunday morning, weekly Bible Studies, a range of mission projects and small groups, and a wonderful schedule of fellowship events. In addition, we welcome anyone with a heart for new areas of ministry.
History of Bluemont United Methodist Church
Imagine the citizens of the tiny village of Snickersville in 1851 deciding they need a church in the community. First order of business was to purchase a parcel of land which was accomplished for the tidy sum of $50.00. The funds for this approximate one acre were paid by the Ladies Benevolent Society of Snickersville. The treasurer of this ladies’ group was a man named George W. Bradfield!
The land was granted to Frank T. Grady, Robert James, Owen Thomas, Meshack Silcott and William Bradfield and their successors.
The deed clearly states that the land was to be used to erect a church and it could be used by any denomination. I quote from the deed, “If the event, that any question should hereafter arise as to who is embraced under the title of “Christian Denomination” in this deed or any contest should arise about the occupation of such church between any of said denominations or any questions in regard to appropriating any portion of the said ground for burial purposes and the character of “public meetings” which are allowed to be held on said ground these and all other questions relating to the occupation or enjoyment of said lot of land shall be decided and determined upon by the trustees to whom this conveyance is made.” The Methodist Church immediately began worship here and has continued now for 160 years this month and year of July, 2011.
The construction of this beautiful stone building was carried out by volunteers of the village. Can you see us today recruiting people to take on such a monumental task ….to build a 2-story stone church? As a friend said, “we can’t even get them to join the choir!”
Many of you have seen the inscription on the Bible here on the pulpit, it says:
”In memory of Mary Ann Elizabeth Hesser Porter who attended Bluemont Methodist Sunday School when a little girl. Year 1863”. No one in our church today knows who this person was but it is part of the history of many generations of worshipers here.
The land behind the building was to be used as a public burial ground (The Church was used as a hospital Civil War) or planted with shade trees and used for public meetings. This is where we will be serving lunch after our service today. Please join us & stay for special music that Mike Elsea has arranged with his band which he just brought together for this occasion.
This church has been home to church mice, black snakes (we have stories), ants, numerous ministers, but most importantly, the home of “THE WORD.”
We all admire this devotion and the beauty of this building, but it is a building and WE are the church!
For 160 years of worship, we express our gratitude to people who gave so much of their time and talent to assure it continues to exist.
I know there will be names omitted, but in my memory, I would like to give recognition to a few of them:
Isabelle Dawson, faithful member of the WSCS, predecessor of the United Methodist Women
Aunt Freddie Foerster, Pianist and worked tirelessly to raise money to purchase our organ
Emma Mann, Quiet, background person who accomplished so much and never sought recognition
Eston King, Superintendent of Sunday School and teacher of the teenage class
Ruth Meihm, Organist and choir director for many years
Maidlen Virts, Church treasurer for decades and Sunday School teacher
Ivy Cochran, Sunday School teacher, leader of the Youth Group, mentor, and an inspiration to all
Libby Stearn, Very active in the United Methodist Women and Fair chairman for years
Grace Dawson, Great testifier of God’s blessings and keeper of “The Amen Corner”
Betty Mitchell, Past Chairman of the Board and great “hands-on” worker in the church
Elva Buddenhagen, Pianist/organist and organized our Hymn Sings which became a tradition
And most recently:
Ralph Cochran, Member of the "Men For Christ" and strong withness to the glory and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ
Wendell Denney, Lay Leader, Member and Leader of the “Men For Christ” and strong witness to the glory and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We are the church of today and our young members are the church of tomorrow.
Encourage them as we pray that this church family will exist for another 160 years! God bless!
Written by: Judy Anderson
Worship Service: 10:15 AM
Adult Bible Study:
Thursday Morning's 10:30 AM Judy Anderson's House
Special Services:
Ash Wednesday
Maundy Thursday
Vacation Bible School
Christmas Eve:
December 24
Christmas Day:
December 25
Children's Church
Fully Staffed Nursery